
How to convert any online article into MP3?

Sometimes we dont want to read any article due to less time or we want to multitask or tired, in all these cases we prefer listening to get updated to current news. Now we have a service (http://soundgecko.com/, an australian startup) which helps on this. It is great text-to-audio transcribing service.
Also many of us must have tried to convert their blogs into podcasts using Odiego, iSpeech etc but now a days these are not working fine. I tried Odiego with my blog but there was no podcasts updated feed. Now I have solution as well. If anybody wants to listen to my blog or any blog article. He just has to provide Url to this service by mail,web app or using chrome extension and he would get MP3 in few seconds. Also Mp3 will not be of big size.

Technically, it takes the article, strips the formatting elements & converts text to audio for you. They have an iPhone app too and planning for Windows 8, Windows Phone & Android versions as well. By registering on this service, you will be able to listen your playlist on your iPhone app, sync your MP3 files using Google Drive and Dropbox.

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