

Lets look at one of WATIR frameworks - KDF

Keyword-driven testing, also known as table-driven testing or action-word testing is a methodology for automated testing. This type of framework includes “Object”, its “Action” and   relevant “Data” as the main aspects. A text box (let us say a user name) is an object, entering text is the action and the actual text is the data (data is the actual user name that is entered in the text box). The framework consists of following components:
·           Driver Script: - The driver script drives the script execution. This script calls the functions from the function library, which reads the keywords, objects, and parameters and performs appropriate actions as per the functions in the function library. Counts number of Scripts in Master Sheet and it will execute the corresponding library files; if any of the Script fails it will mark Fail Status in the individual sheet of failed script and in Master Sheet.

Master Excel Sheet:-This is an excel sheet that holds the information of various scenarios.

·         Library Files: - The function Library consists of all the library files. It is the place where most of the scripts reside and the place where customization can be done in the script for the project. In this, we also create some functions of the common scenarios which we used again and again in Scripts. These functions are defined globally.

·         Test Data: - Test data is given as inputs to the test scripts to perform the same operations on the application using different set of data.


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