
Some notes on Scrum

Scrum Notes-

- it is iterative, incremental development methodology - agile
- 3 roles in Scrum are - Scrum master ( who is like project manager and maintains all processes.),
Product owner (who gives business knowledge and define priority of requirements - product backlog),
team - 5-9 cross functional team members who do actual analysis, design , coding, testing etc.
- product backlog - all requirements in product
- sprint planning meeting - the set of features to be done which will go into sprint backlog from product backlog. product owner sets these priorities.
- sprint backlog - features to be implemented next sprint.
- sprint is usually of 2 to 4 weeks period in which team produces product increment
- A key principle of Scrum is its recognition that during a project the customers can change their minds about what they want and need (often called requirements churn)
- daily stand up - status meeting
- burn down - showing remaining work in the sprint backlog
- impediment - issues
- stories - use cases


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